The Richness of God’s Life & the Trinity

I’m doing some reading today from John Frame’s The Doctrine of God, and have been helped by his observations concerning the relationship between the richness of God’s life and His Trinitarian character.  Here are a couple of quotes from Dr. Frame that brought the issue into focus for me:

“The very greatness of God, the richness of His inner life, entails some kind of plurality within Him.”

“Although God is numerically one and simple, He has many attributes, thinks a vast number of thoughts, and performs innumerable actions.  His attributes are one, but that oneness can be characterized in many ways.  His thoughts are one, but they pertain to innumerable objects.  His actions are one, but they have vast numbers of effects in the world.  His life is the ultimate in richness and fullness.  Scripture explains this richness in various ways, eventually bringing its specifically Trinitarian character into focus.”

(both quotes can be found on p.631 of The Doctrine of God by John Frame)

One thought on “The Richness of God’s Life & the Trinity

  1. Heather Davis says:

    This is helpful, Mike. Thanks

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